Dining/Social Programs

Good food and conversation
Hot meals and special events or activities help people to get together for good food and companionship. Instead of eating by yourself why not join us for lunch or supper? We do the preparing, serving and clean-up while you enjoy your meal and great conversation!
“I got tired of eating alone. Diners’ Club seemed to be a good way to become part of the community”
Call ONE CARE Intake toll free at 1-844-482-7800
Our programs take place in communities throughout Huron County and in the City of Stratford, in a variety of program facilities including churches and community centers. Most programs take place at lunch time, with two supper programs in North Huron. Diners’ Club is a meal service that is intended to increase opportunities for nutritional and social support among seniors. Each meal consists of a salad, entrée (meat, potato & vegetable), juice and a dessert. The meals contain 40% of the daily recommended intake for a senior citizen.
- A home-cooked, nutritious meal that meets standards for reduced sodium and recommended daily intake for older adults.
- Options for clients with food allergies and diabetic diets
- Opportunity to connect with friends
- Health Education presentations, Cultural Engagement and Theme Days
- Enhanced Dining programs also provide access to CHAP blood pressure screening, social programs, educational and recreational activities.
Bookings – Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
See newsletter above for further information.
To register for this program please call 1-844-482-7800.
An intake assessment will be completed to determine the best type of service.
Available to older adults and adults with special needs in Huron/Perth County.
$10.20 for regular meals
Subsidies may apply. Call 1-844-482-7800 for more details.
December 2024
Please be advised, dining program menus are subject to change based on internal and external factors such as availability of ingredients, weather conditions, etc.